Evaluation of saltwater intrusion, analysis of salt distribution in groundwater, and prediction of future scenarios requires the use of numerical tools that are in constant development. The latest tool available for variable density flow developed by the USGS is the BUY package from MODFLOW6 that is implemented in Flopy and Model Muse. The combination of these tools allows creation of groundwater flow models for seawater intrusion in a short period of time, precise analysis of water balances and brine concentration and potential coupling with other tools such as PEST.


Saul Montoya M.Sc. 

Saul Montoya M.Sc. is a Hydrogeologist and Numerical Modeler. Mr. Montoya is a Civil Engineer graduated from the Catholic University in Lima with postgraduate studies in Management and Engineering of Water Resources (WAREM Program) from Stuttgart University – Germany with mention in Groundwater Engineering and Hydroinformatics. Mr Montoya has a strong analytical capacity for the interpretation, conceptualization and modeling of the surface and underground water cycle and their interaction. 

He is in charge of numerical modeling for contaminant transport and remediation systems of contaminated sites. Inside his hydrological and hydrogeological investigations Mr. Montoya has developed a holistic comprehension of the water cycle, understanding and quantifying the main hydrological dynamic process of precipitation, runoff, evaporation and recharge to the groundwater system. 

Over the last 9 years Saul has developed 2 websites for knowledge sharing in water resources: www.gidahatari.com (Spanish) and www.hatarilabs.com (English) that have become relevant due to its applied tutorials on groundwater modeling, spatial analysis and computational fluid mechanics.

Session 1: Introduction to BUY package in MODFLOW6

Introduction to BUY package in MODFLOW6 Overview of the bouyancy package (BUY) in MODFLO6 that implements variable density flow from one and multiple chemical species. This part also explores the package formulation, the structure of blocks, and cases of implementation. Basic seawater intrusion model in MODFLOW6 and Model Muse Simple case of groundwater modeling that shows all the related steps to build and run seawater intrusion with MODFLOW6 and Model Muse. The example covers a 2D groundwater flow model on steady state boundary conditions and regional flow.


Video of Session 1: Introduction to BUY package in MODFLOW6 Course materials

Session 2: 3D seawater intrusion groundwater model with enhanced output analysis

Multilayer seawater intrusion model created on Model Muse and MODFLOW 6 that has seawater and a salt lake as sources of salinity. Simulated model is imported with Flopy for the representation of heads and concentrations together with the flow directions.


Video of Session 2: 3D seawater intrusion groundwater model with enhanced output analysis

Session 3: Transient 3D seawater intrusion groundwater model with water and mass balance analysis

Example of seawater intrusion modeling with more realistic conditions. This is a transient model of multiple layers with regional flow and pumping from different pumping fields that are imported from spatial data files. An input/output analysis for flow and transport from the boundary conditions is performed on a Jupyter notebook.


Video of Session 3: Transient 3D seawater intrusion groundwater model with water and mass balance analysis 

Session 4: Geospatial seawater intrusion modeling on a coastal aquifers

Regional modeling of seawater intrusion build with geospatial data on vector and raster format. The applied case shows the impact of intense groundwater exploitation of 50 wells in a simulation period of 60 years. The model has a series of confined and unconfined layers according to topography and water extraction.


Video of Session 4: Geospatial seawater intrusion modeling on a coastal aquifers

Session 5: Geological modeling on a coastal aquifer and coupling with MODFLOW

First part of a composed session for the seawater intrusion simulation with hydraulic parameters related to a geological model generated from point source data. This session covers all steps from raster (array) generation for all surfaces together with the orientation sampling and format of surfaces/orientations as Gempy input files. The generated data was inserted in the Aquifer App that implements an interface to create Gempy models. Finally the lithology is imported to Modflow with Model Muse.


Video of Session 5: Geological modeling on a coastal aquifer and coupling with MODFLOW

Session 6: Numerical simulation of seawater intrusion coupled with 3D lithology

Second part of a composed session for the seawater intrusion simulation with hydraulic parameters related to a geological model generated from point source data. This session builds the groundwater flow model, set the saltwater intrusion features and makes plots of the heads and concentrations for a series of observation points.


Video of Session 6: Numerical simulation of seawater intrusion coupled with 3D lithology

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